Mr. Podmers' 7th Grade STEM class

Weekly Calendar with assignments, projects, and other things we will be doing in class. Check the calendar if you are absent and download missing assignments (if available) at the bottom of this page. If not available, see Mr. Podmers the first day back to school.
January 2012
Mon 23No School
Tue 24Review emergency plans, website (, Start paper mache of green cars.
Wed 25Paper mache day 2.
Thurs 26Finish paper mache of green car.
Fri 27Solar charging station/ bracket, go over guidelines for chassis, battery, motor, wheels/axles.
Mon 30Green Car. Painting, decorating with details, ads/ sponsors.
Tue 31Green Car. Painting, decorating with details, ads/ sponsors.
February 2012
Wed 1Green Car. Chassis fabrication (motor, gears, wheels, axles, battery, toggle switch, wiring, etc).
Thur 2Green Car. Chassis fabrication (motor, gears, wheels, axles, battery, toggle
switch, wiring, etc). |
Fri 3Green Car. Chassis fabrication (motor, gears, wheels, axles, battery, toggle
switch, wiring, etc). |
Mon 6Cut wheel wells. Wiring of car. Need to get checked off by teacher.
Tue 7"Green Cars in Your Future???" packet. Watch short video, then research in PC lab.
Wed 8"Green Cars in Your Future???" packet page 2.
Homework if not done. |
Thur 9"Green Cars in Your Future???" packet page 3.
Homework if not done. |
Fri 10"Green Cars in Your Future???" packet page 4.
Homework if not done. Whole Packet due Monday at beginning of class. |
Mon 13"Green Cars in Your Future???" packet is due at beginning of hour. Race/
time green cars. |
Tue 14Flight Power Point. Key terms. Aerodynamics. Kite History.
Wed 15Measuring review. Demo of kite template layout and fabrication.
Thur 16Day 1 of kite fabrication
Fri 17Day 2 of kite fab.
Mon 20No school
Tue 21Day 2 of 4 Kite fabrication
Wed 22Day 3 of 4 Kite fabrication
March 2012
Mon 5Montgolfier Brothers Literacy Activity. 2 Journal Entries done by end of hour today. Hot air balloon should be at least half done.
Tue 6Journal entry #3. Balloon gores should be joined and top piece
should be assembled. |
Wed 7Jounal entry #4. Balloon should be finished. Bottom piece put on
with staples and personalize ballon with tissue paper designs. |
Thur 8Journal entry #5. LAST DAY for balloon and decorating of balloon.
Make sure KITE is ready to go for FRIDAY flight! |
Fri 9Journal entry #6. FLY KITES! Write observations, etc. in engineering
notebook. |
Mon 19Rocketry ALL week.
Finish fabricating rockets by Wednesday. |
Thur 22The Era of Innovation (flight) video. Day 1 of 2
Fri 23Finish video.